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Wednesday, 12 March 2014



Will McCann [Google+/LinkedIn], #/@willmccann87[Twitter],WAR BEAST 1987 [on Xbox Live], Who is he? , Why should I read this/listen to him? How does he get by in this world? When is he ever going to give up looking for a job? Read this to find out. This is a story of my life [so far], motivation, insights and references. Enjoy!

About me!
Hi my name is….well you guessed it ^ yeah – moving on! I’m Irish so you just know this is going to be a funny great story as all Irish people are great at telling stories – but me don’t worry I am going to get to the point and share a vast amount of knowledge with you. Some background on myself; I have lived both lives; when I say that I mean as an employed person and now a unemployed person so I can relate to other people very well, yes I’m unemployed at present but I don’t see it like that now but I will return to that insight later on. Now for more background my career to date is this:

Education, Further Education and Employment History:

I completed school 2000-2005 junior and leaving certificate did very well in them,  I was nominated by De La Salle Brothers, all my Teachers and Staff, received many awards for Attendance, Punctuality, Outstanding Student and the Principal's award by Brother Declan himself and a cheque worth €500. I also received the compliment of: "I wish every student was just like you, William" from all my teachers 2000-2005. This is still the person I am today, years later; I achieve, earn respect, get to know everyone and put my head down and get my work done. This is me, a person well worth knowing, connecting with and hiring for your company and your team

Then 2006-2008 I went onto many different fields of employment and gained a vast amount of experience in areas including: Security, Retail, Sales, Communications, Operations, Distribution and Stock within: Chubb Security Kleeneze, Dunnes Stores, Boots Pharmacy and VUE Cinemas. The recession hit and I became unemployed however I refused to give up so I took part in many courses and incentives in order to get back to work to up-skill, reinvent myself and get back to my usual self again.

From 2008-2014 there was obstacles but for me, I only seen opportunities and I went for them. I found great value and experience within Eircom [6 months], Sage Ireland [9 months], and Irish Times Training [3 months] which then lead me to ARRO National Hardware Ltd [3 months]. After that #SaveClementine was a very successful non-funded campaign of mine no-lie check it out on Facebook and Twitter

Then things were slow until I joined the IE NETWORK, met Jim Nolan, now my plan is to network, work on projects to get myself noticed, combine, fully utilize all my skills and experience to benefit and reach my full potential with a great employer/company willing to hire me/give me a chance to shine. That's me! All I honestly really want now is to get back working, help others and "be of service” to whoever wants and needs my skills and experience. Is that too really much to ask for? But nevertheless I keep on going and don’t give up because I set goals and aim to achieve them no matter what!? Because failure is no longer an option for most of us, we need to get back working not just for us anymore.

Main Body/“And here, we, Go!”
I’m going start off my main body by talking about sperm. Yes, I’m going there but hear me out I have a point to make, there are about hundreds, thousands if not millions of sperm cells in one ejaculation. An entire generation if you think about it? So before you think you’re not a winner, or can’t achieve anything in your life or feel worthless or useless, think about this. All those sperm cells and you were the one who made it!? “Victory was yours”.



You’re alive, you got there and further more you’re still alive and surviving today. I would count that as being a winner, someone who achieves, who isn’t worthless or useless – I see that person as awesome! I know I do. And you should too.

“Yes I’m unemployed at present but I don’t see it like that now but I will return to that insight later on.” Ah yes I told you I would get back to this. Exactly what it says! I am unemployed but if you see yourself as just that - you will not get anywhere, for me I label or tag myself as a P.O.H. huh? What? I know! Confusing right? Then let me explain further. The P is for Professional, O is for Opportunity and the H is for Hunter. That’s who I see myself as - not unemployed. Choose who you are and put it down somewhere. For great examples of this just look at Twitter and look very closely how people describe themselves and then work with that. Go out there and find your label/tag.

What makes me different?
I choose to be different! I have advanced from a basic job-seeker like leaving cv’s everywhere to now a job hunter who has a feed of jobs streaming through all my social media and email which means I’m always keeping up with the times and do everything in my power in order to secure full time/permnament employment. Lately I’m working on projects just like this one, many more have been completed and others are on the way. Sure if you want to keep updated then please connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and my Blog. I have a link within this story for these such sites. Keep reading. It gonna get more interesting from here on in until the end…


Is like Venom trying to consume/infect onto you and take everything good out of your life, soul and personality. Don’t let it! I’ve been there 2008-2012, 4 years I was in a dark place beating myself up and not valuing myself or knowing my worth but thanks to myself, the good people of Irish Times Training and the team I was placed with helped me overcome this. 2013-2014 now I confidently say I have now overcome negativity – yes, I have, it was my weakness and I said to my myself I am going to get though this because of the end goal. To help others, become a person of value, confidence again, get back to my former self/glory for the sake of people in my life; my future boss, fellow employees, my family, my partner and my future kids. This wasn’t easy. I tell you that much but I’m Will McCann not Will McCan’t! I also use my name as a way of motivation, strange but for me it’s actually very beneficial and productive.

Irish Times and my team in that course believed in me and I believe in you, yes you! Reading this. Don’t let stress, anger, hate, jealousy or negativity consume or infect you life or spirit – fight back and be like Spiderman – a hero of your own world, who can and will make a difference to other people’s lives - and by doing that, you will change your own in the process. Don’t let Venom take control - because the only person in control of your life is you and you can make a difference to other people’s lives.


Think of Ivan Drago [Life] saying “I must break you” Now the “OR” represents “SHAKES” as in it’s here where you decide you next move. [It thinks it can break you and your spirit!?]

Don’t let it! Be like Rocky and fight back, smack it in the face and say No! Feck off! Keep fighting and never give up! Oh and by the way - listen to the Rocky story soundtrack it amazing for motivation! [Especially for running] Trust me!




Why not? The more you know the better! Right? Take me for example I was born, left school in 2005 >> fast-forward to 2014 I now know how to appreciate anything given to me, any extra money I get, my health, my family, I love my partner and family even more now than ever, I can cook now and more independent because of being moved out, I am multi-skilled and experienced in retail, sales, cinema, admin, reception, concierge, call centres, stock, warehouse, operations, internships, courses, job clubs you name it I’m great at and if I’m not? I’m a sponge! I can and will learn anything given to me. I’ve gone from basic computers – ECDL – Advanced ECDL to now knowing Digital Marketing and Social Media. I can do so much because I don’t give up and I’m always learning, researching, outsourcing, being creative and always problem solving kinda just like Tony Stark and JARVIS combined!

Conclusion/Food for Thought/Take-Away from this?!

That’s my viewpoint; I really hope you enjoyed my story of my life [so far], motivation, insights, knowledge and references. What more can I say other than I wish you all the best in your futures, if you want to chat with me? Interview me? Or straight up hire me? “That would be amazingly awesome by the way!” I’m here; I’m available and ready to go right now and waiting! I am also a very strong networker even a member of the IE Network of Jim Nolan [Google search that now it’s well worth joining trust me!]. 

I love to Connect and get to know people I strongly feel it’s a vital part of life so therefore if you want to know me more? Then here feel free to connect with me, ask questions, give feedback, thoughts, contact me, hire me whichever suits your needs and wants? I’m here for you day or night I don’t mind and I welcome and invite all and others to get to know me, Will McCann a Professional Opportunity Hunter here right now and always willing to help others no matter what:

My website with access to all my social media presence, connect with me here:

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